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All work and no play makes Jack a dullCopyright 1984-1996 Claris Corporation and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. HBAM3016AUG95 Pro 2.0 - 2.1F! Pro 3.0 - 4.0J t US Letter A4 Letter US Legal International Fanfold Computer Paper Envelope (#10) els^23456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 12345 BUILD ITEM BUILT MONTH BUILT QUARTER BUILT YEAR BUILT? NOTICE CLIENT COMPANY FIRST NAME CALC COMPANY FULL ADDRESS COMPANY FULL ADDRESS EMAIL COMPANY INITIALS COMPANY SECOND NAME CALC COMPANY TODAY LINK COST2 DATE BUILT DATE REQUESTED DATE STOCKED DESIRED TAX MONTH DESIRED TAX QUARTER EMPLOYEE BUILDING ITEM INITIAL INVENTORY NONINVENTORY MARKER LAST MODIFIED MO EXPENSE TITLE MO REFERENCE NUMBER 8 MO# BUILD MO# CONSUME MONTH MONTHNUMBER NOTES ORDER REF # PACKING SLIP PRINT DATE d PAID DATE PARTS SUBTOTAL PREPAYMENT QUANTITY RAW GOODS PN RECORD NUMBER STATUS STOCK QUANTITY PRIOR TO BUILD SUBTOTAL OF LINE ITEMS SUBTOTAL SUMMARY TAX LINE TAG TIME RECEIVED TIME SHIPPED TIME STAMP TODAY LINK TOTAL COST US English - Spelling bVeReWfTm 10/13/99 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter 10/13/99 ClientB DateB total costB Parts SubtotalB itemB built? noticeB outstanding outstanding prepaymentB 100000 Order ref #B Notes MO expanded list inv MFG standard review MO quick list inv Import MO data entry 3 MO data entry 2 inventory1 MO data entry 1 MO data entry 4 About MO data entry 2 inventory2 MO data entry 2 inventory1 Copy not yet MO expanded list invB raw goods pnB quantityB costB date stockedB date requestedB statusB date builtB initialB employee building itemB time stampB last modifiedB subtotal summaryB MonthB YearB monthnumber packing slip print dateB fA Paid dateB cost2B MO Expense titleB tax line tagB time receivedB time shippedB company full address emailB company initialsB 1) & company first name calcB company second name calcB company full addressB stock quantity prior to buildB subtotal of line itemsB built yearB built monthB built quarterB } < 4 "Q1" } < 7 "Q2" } < 10 "Q3" "Q4"))) Q4222 desired tax quarterB | & " " & } < 4 "Q1" } < 7 "Q2" } < 10 "Q3" "Q4"))) Q4222 desired tax month A)) & ", " & (100 + c) & " (" & A) & ")" company today linkB MO reference numberB 2) & "-" & Today linkB inventory noninventory markerB record numberB MO# consumeB 8 & "c" A MO# buildB 8 & "b" build itemB MFG standard reviewB quantity ordered received itemU Client` Abouta Messageb Invoicec Productsd Clientse Vendors Record 333333 Purchase 1999 After Hours Consulting, Raleigh, NC 919/271-7479 All Rights Reserved. MO quick list invB date requested Order ref # Staff id modified QuickList Client $Client Items, Products & Such (COGS) Outstanding View Output Find Unpaid About Message Invoice Products Clients Vendors Close Print Inventory raw goods pn status total cost parts subtotal stock date stocked date built tax line status packing slip Paste or New 1999 After Hours Consulting, Raleigh, NC 919/271-7479 All Rights Reserved. Purchase HelpB quantityQ itemU Client` Abouta Messageb Invoicec Productsd Clientse Vendors Purchase Expanded im Pr Audio P 1999 After Hours Consulting, Raleigh, NC 919/271-7479 All Rights Reserved.{ Quickbooks ImportB This database was created by After Hours Consulting, the sole owner of this work. No part of this database may be copied or distributed without the expressed written permission of the owners of After Hours. About Message Invoice Products Clients Vendors Close Print [This is a help file for your manufacturing database. The database is designed to assist you in managing the in-house intermediate process of converting purchased raw materials to finished goods for resale. To select the database of choice, use the upper tier of buttons in the Navigation bar. The file you are in will be the highlighted button. The second tier of buttons affect the records in the open file. By selecting New, Find, List or the navigation arrows, one can conduct operations on the existing record or page through them. New records are generated with the new buttons, and a print button will either print the current information or bring you to a print menu. Additional menus for viewing information related to this record is accessable from catagory or tab buttons, such as the lit ones below. A greyed-out button is B inactive. Specialty buttons permit inspecting linked information or specialty layouts. Underlined items also harbor links to related layouts or perform functions. Manufacturing processes are treated as batched events: you create one or more goods by consuming purchased raw material in stock and creating new materials entered into stock for resale. This is tracked with Manufacturing Order numbers, MOs. Import Manufact 1999 After Hours Consulting, Raleigh, NC 919/271-7479 All Rights Reserved. Purchase MO data entry 3B This layout is designed to aid in the import of new files or migration of an entire database file into this new database. You arrived here because this file does not have any records. If you do not have files to import, simply click here. If you are updating from an older database, read on. If in doubt of the process, After Hours will conduct the import for a nominal charge. Simply call us for details at 919-271-7479 or contact us at When you select the import button below, Filemaker will first ask you to locate the file from which you will be importing your data. Use the navigation box to find your old file. In this example, we open a folder on our desktop in the first figure. t worry if your screen doesn t look exactly like these... your OS may be different, or you may not have as many drives as we list) Then select the proper data file and select the Open button. The next window is the most important one. This window allows you to select which fields the old information is to be placed into within the new file. (Note: your field and file names will differ) If you are updating an After Hours product, you should be able to quickly match the appropriate fields by selecting the view by matching names option in the upper right corner. You may inspect sample records by selecting the Scan Data buttons. We recommend the given settings. Consult y B(our FileMaker manual for other features. The final step before the import begins (and the last opportunity to cancel the import) is the options window. We do not recommend that you check the auto- enter options nor split records. Click on OK to conduct the import. When the import has finished, please inspect your new records for accuracy. To start the import, select the import button below. You may leave the import process by selecting the Finished button. 1999 After Hours Consulting, all rights reserved. Start Import Finished Print these instructions Cancel A0Expert Consultant Manufacturing - Import feature MO data entry 2 inventory1B Tracking Number tariffs/fees Order ref # Purchase Order prepaid freight (s&h) office subtotal Manufact date built packing slip Order Date ADDRESS PRODUCTS SHIPPING / NOTES TOTALS REVIEW Sales Tax Taxable Subtotal Status Edit Mode Notes Spelling GRAdvance to next field with TAB key. Advance to next catagory by selecting file tab Invoice Close MA New Quote Paste Phone: Vendor: Ordered: e Received: f Ship to: 1999 After Hours Consulting, Raleigh, NC 919/271-7479 All Rights Reserved. lA|All orders must have red fields filled out. Optional information goes in yellow fields. Green fields may fill automatically. MO data entry 1B Manufacture Order Client Items, Products & Such (COGS) Manufact status total cost parts subtotal stock ADDRESS PRODUCTS 1 SHIPPING / NOTES TOTALS REVIEW Edit Mode Spelling GRAdvance to next field with TAB key. Advance to next catagory by selecting file tab Invoice Close MA New Quote Paste S7Inventory product purchase. fill in Quantity (#) built. to add an item, 1999 After Hours Consulting, Raleigh, NC 919/271-7479 All Rights Reserved. bA|All builds must have red fields filled out. Optional information goes in yellow fields. Green fields may fill automatically. stock MO data entry 4B Ordered: Manufacturing Order Your Name: Manufact Order Date BUILD INFORMATION PRODUCTS SHIPPING / NOTES TOTALS REVIEW Status Edit Mode Spelling FA|All builds must have red fields filled out. Optional information goes in yellow fields. Green fields may fill automatically. GRAdvance to next field with TAB key. Advance to next catagory by selecting file tab Close Paste R Received: Expense 1999 After Hours Consulting, Raleigh, NC 919/271-7479 All Rights Reserved. build item AboutB RPTHA MSPCA FPTH@ alisA alisA alisA alisA alisA alisA alisA alisA alisA alisA alisA tariffs/fees Order ref # Purchase Order prepaid freight (s&h) office subtotal Manufact date built packing slip Order Date ADDRESS PRODUCTS SHIPPING / NOTES TOTALS REVIEW Sales Tax Taxable Subtotal Status Edit Mode Notes Spelling GADCorrect a catagory by selecting file tab. Select Done when finished. Invoice Close MA New Quote Paste Phone: Vendor: Ordered: e Received: f Ship to: 1999 After Hours Consulting, Raleigh, NC 919/271-7479 All Rights Reserved. lA|All orders must have red fields filled out. Optional information goes in yellow fields. Green fields may fill automatically. MO data entry 2 inventory2B About About Expert Consultant This is a FileMaker Pro database, designed to aid the small business professional track their clients, vendors and operation on the Macintosh. Expert Consultant is a standalone solution based in FileMaker 3.0.5. For complete features, the support files must be installed in your system folder or a commercial version of FileMaker Pro should reside on your hard drive. Expert Consultant v1.1.1c 1998, 1999 After Hours Consulting, all rights reserved. u.This copy of Expert Consultant is licensed to: Expert Consultant is a commercial package and is not for free distribution. Individual and network site licenses are available. Contact us for additional details. After Hours Consulting Technical Support: 9-5 EST 5910-129 Duraleigh Road, Suite 167 voice 919-271-7479 Raleigh, NC 27612 USA fax 810-816-6707 email: on the web at: xAiWARNING: This solution contains password(s) which may only be provided by the developer identified above. Products Purchase Vendors Clients Invoice Message MO data entry 2 inventory1 CopyB Manufacture Order Client Items, Products & Such (COGS) Manufact status total cost parts subtotal stock ADDRESS PRODUCTS SHIPPING / NOTES TOTALS REVIEW Edit Mode Spelling GRAdvance to next field with TAB key. Advance to next catagory by selecting file tab Invoice Close MA New Quote Paste S7Inventory product purchase. fill in Quantity (#) built. to add an item, 1999 After Hours Consulting, Raleigh, NC 919/271-7479 All Rights Reserved. bA|All builds must have red fields filled out. Optional information goes in yellow fields. Green fields may fill automatically. status total cost parts subtotal stock w7Inventory product purchase. fill in Quantity (#) built. to add an item, not yetB Manufacture Order Client Items, Products & Such (COGS) Purchase status total cost parts subtotal stock ADDRESS PRODUCTS 1 SHIPPING / NOTES TOTALS REVIEW Edit Mode Spelling GRAdvance to next field with TAB key. Advance to next catagory by selecting file tab Invoice Close MA New Quote Paste S7Inventory product purchase. fill in Quantity (#) built. to add an item, 1999 After Hours Consulting, Raleigh, NC 919/271-7479 All Rights Reserved. bA|All builds must have red fields filled out. Optional information goes in yellow fields. Green fields may fill automatically. status total cost stock Close 1999 After Hours Consulting, Raleigh, NC 919/271-7479 All Rights Reserved. eRThis module is not yet implimented Manufacturing will be available in version 2.0 About Message Invoice Products Clients Vendors Purchase After Hours open client about new purchase < 100 ) > 100 open products file previous open billing invoice open vendors open messages new expense < 100 ) > 100 Cancel This is an unregistered version of EC and you have reached the end of your free demo trial. You may view current records, but no additional records may be added. To unlock EC, please register your copy.D PurchaseE 12/31/3000F1 = "Yes" G InventoryH Non-InventoryI PurchaseJ 12/31/3000K1 = "Yes" L InventoryM Non-Inventory create a new build line item calculate line item total old invoice message Cancel printPurchases prior to implimentation of the inventory system are only viewable. No printed output is available. first open inventory sort by year month number startup Cancel This is an unregistered version of EC and you have reached the end of your free demo trial. You may view current records, but no additional records may be added. To unlock EC, please register your copy.D ExpenseE 12/31/3000F ExpenseG 12/31/3000 print import instructions importing old data OK9g9g9g9g9 g9g9g9g9g9g9g9g9g9 Cancel9g9g9g9g9g9g9g9g9g9g9g9g9g9 9g9g9g9g9g9g9g9g9g9g9g9g9g9g9g9g9You are about to begin the Import process for Manufacture. Your source file should be prepared (Find All, if appropriate). You may cancel in the next window, but do not cancel once the importation has begun. ) < 1 Cancel\ zThere are no current records in the Purchase file. You may import old records or select "Finish" to start without data.C9 = "Network" Network view print output ) < 1 Cancel3 You have no records in this file to view.C5 = "Inventory" Inventory sort by date sort by total open purchase open purchase consume a build line item not yet OK9g9g9g9g9 g9g9g9g9g9g9g9g9g9 Cancel9g9g9g9g9g9g9g9g9g9g9g9g9g9 9g9g9g9g9g9g9g9g9g9g9g9g9g9g9g9g9You have imported records for Manufacture. Please review the records now for accuracy. startup open client open purchase open billing invoice open vendors open products file open messages open inventory open purchase about first previous new purchase new expense create a new build line item consume a build line item print import instructions sort by date sort by total sort by year month number calculate line item total old invoice message importing old data view print output not yet B"#B@ B"#B"$ 4"2$B"#B"#C 2$""#B"#C0 4"2#B"#C0 2$B"#C0 4""#C0 ~ffff ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ~ffff ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" "%UR UD33D wwwwww wwwwww wwwwww ~ffff ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" 44444 CCCCC 44444 CCCCC $42" wwwwww ffffff DDDDDD 333333 w"23' 2!{w~ "RPTH FPTHA"AFTER HOURS:AFTER HOURS:AH VENDORS MSPCA NAMEA AH vendors RPTHA :AH VENDORS (RPTH FPTHA(AFTER HOURS:AFTER HOURS:AH PRODUCTS FILE MSPCA NAMEA AH products file RPTHA :AH PRODUCTS FILE "RPTH FPTHA"AFTER HOURS:AFTER HOURS:AH CLIENTS MSPCA NAMEA AH clients RPTHA :AH CLIENTS "RPTH FPTHA"AFTER HOURS:AFTER HOURS:AH CLIENTS MSPCA NAMEA AH clients +r$r!w{~ ""'r!{w~ r!ww~ 'w!w|~ ""q|{~ -"!{y~ +"!yy *RPTH FPTHA*AFTER HOURS:AFTER HOURS:AH BILLING INVOICE MSPCA NAMEA AH billing invoice RPTHA :AH BILLING INVOICE ZONEA "RPTH FPTHA"AFTER HOURS:AFTER HOURS:AH CLIENTS MSPCA NAMEA AH clients RPTHA :AH CLIENTS ZONEA (RPTH FPTHA(AFTER HOURS:AFTER HOURS:AH MAC DATABASE MSPCA NAMEA AH Mac database RPTHA :AH MAC DATABASE ZONEA (RPTH FPTHA(AFTER HOURS:AFTER HOURS:AH PRODUCTS FILE MSPCA NAMEA AH products file RPTHA :AH PRODUCTS FILE ZONEA "RPTH FPTHA"AFTER HOURS:AFTER HOURS:AH VENDORS RPTHA :AH CLIENTS ZONEA (LIST VDEFA( (LIST VDEFA( (LIST LISTAsarrived shipping backorder returned cancelled unknown out of stock discontinued at FedEx at UPS at USPS at AirBorne VDEFA( FMRLA FMRLA FMRLA FMRLA products fileC clientsG MO consume Line ItemsH setupI MO build Line ItemsJ products MSPCA NAMEA AH vendors RPTHA :AH VENDORS ZONEA .RPTH FPTHA.AFTER HOURS:AFTER HOURS:AH WANT ADS/CLASSIFIED MSPCA NAMEA AH want ads/classified RPTHA :AH WANT ADS/CLASSIFIED ZONEA FPTHA Personal:After Hours:AH vendors MSPCA NAMEA AH vendors RPTHA AH vendors alisA Personal AH vendors FMP3FMP3 After Hours Personal:After Hours:AH vendors $ZONE FPTHA$Q:DESKTOP FOLDER:VENDOR NAME FROM PO MSPCA NAMEA vendor name from PO ZONEA 9RPTH FPTHA93000/180:Paul:After Hours:AH database/accting:AH Messages MSPCA NAMEA AH Messages RPTHA AH Messages ZONEA 3000/180 AH Messages 0FMP3FMP3 AH database/accting 93000/180:Paul:After Hours:AH database/accting:AH Messages 3000/180 3000/180 3000/180 3000/180 3RPTH FPTHA32300c:After Hours:AH database/accting:AH Line Items MSPCA NAMEA AH Line Items RPTHA AH Line Items ZONEA alisA 2300c AH Line Items FMP3FMP3 AH database/accting 32300c:After Hours:AH database/accting:AH Line Items 6RPTH FPTHA62300c:After Hours:AH database/accting:AH products file MSPCA NAMEA AH products file RPTHA AH products file ZONEA alisA 2300c AH products file {WQFMP3FMP3 AH database/accting 62300c:After Hours:AH database/accting:AH products file .RPTH MSPC FPTHA.2300c:After Hours:AH database/accting:Expenses MSPCA NAMEA Expenses RPTHA Expenses ZONEA alisA 2300c Expenses {WQFMP3FMP3 AH database/accting .2300c:After Hours:AH database/accting:Expenses :RPTH FPTHA:After Hours:After Hours :AH database/accting:lineitem.fp3 MSPCA NAMEA lineitem.fp3 RPTHA lineitem.fp3 alisA After Hours lineitem.fp3 FMP3FMP3 AH database/accting :After Hours:After Hours :AH database/accting:lineitem.fp3 3RPTH FPTHA32300c:After Hours:AH database/accting:AH Line Items MSPCA NAMEA AH Line Items RPTHA AH Line Items alisA 2300c AH Line Items FMP3FMP3 AH database/accting 32300c:After Hours:AH database/accting:AH Line Items 3RPTH FPTHA32300c:After Hours:AH database/accting:AH Line Items MSPCA NAMEA AH Line Items RPTHA AH Line Items alisA 2300c AH Line Items FMP3FMP3 AH database/accting 32300c:After Hours:AH database/accting:AH Line Items -RPTH FPTHA-2300c:After Hours:AH database/accting:clients MSPCA NAMEA clients RPTHA clients alisA 2300c clients {W#FMP3FMP3 AH database/accting -2300c:After Hours:AH database/accting:clients 9RPTH FPTHA9After Hours:After Hours :AH database/accting:macspec.fp3 MSPCA NAMEA macspec.fp3 RPTHA macspec.fp3 alisA After Hours macspec.fp3 FMP3FMP3 AH database/accting 9After Hours:After Hours :AH database/accting:macspec.fp3 :RPTH FPTHA:After Hours:After Hours :AH database/accting:products.fp3 MSPCA NAMEA products.fp3 RPTHA products.fp3 alisA After Hours products.fp3 {WQFMP3FMP3 AH database/accting :After Hours:After Hours :AH database/accting:products.fp3 9RPTH FPTHA9After Hours:After Hours :AH database/accting:billing.fp3 MSPCA NAMEA billing.fp3 RPTHA billing.fp3 alisA After Hours billing.fp3 FMP3FMP3 AH database/accting 9After Hours:After Hours :AH database/accting:billing.fp3 -RPTH FPTHA-2300c:After Hours:AH database/accting:vendors MSPCA NAMEA vendors RPTHA vendors alisA 2300c vendors FMP3FMP3 AH database/accting -2300c:After Hours:AH database/accting:vendors 9RPTH FPTHA9After Hours:After Hours :AH database/accting:message.fp3 MSPCA NAMEA message.fp3 RPTHA message.fp3 alisA After Hours message.fp3 0FMP3FMP3 AH database/accting 9After Hours:After Hours :AH database/accting:message.fp3 2RPTH FPTHA2After Hours:After Hours :AH database:employee.fp3 MSPCA NAMEA employee.fp3 RPTHA employee.fp3 ZONEA After Hours employee.fp3 FMP3FMP3 AH database 2After Hours:After Hours :AH database:employee.fp3 Duo 2300c After Hours Paul S Vail After Hours 1RPTH FPTHA1After Hours:After Hours :AH database:clients.fp3 MSPCA NAMEA clients.fp3 RPTHA clients.fp3 ZONEA After Hours clients.fp3 FMP3FMP3 AH database 1After Hours:After Hours :AH database:clients.fp3 Duo 2300c After Hours Paul S Vail After Hours 1RPTH FPTHA1After Hours:After Hours :AH database:vendors.fp3 MSPCA NAMEA vendors.fp3 RPTHA vendors.fp3 ZONEA 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database:lineitem.fp3 +RPTH FPTHA+3400:After Hours :AH database:products.fp3 MSPCA NAMEA products.fp3 RPTHA products.fp3 ZONEA products.fp3 FMP3FMP3 AH database +3400:After Hours :AH database:products.fp3 (LIST VDEFA( (LIST VDEFA( Client ListB Vendor ListE status ListH employee nameJ product list FMRLA FMRLA FMRLA FMRLA FMRLA FMRLA products fileC clientsG MO consume Line ItemsH setupI MO build Line ItemsJ products Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday January February March April August September October November December 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter Helvetica Geneva Times Palatino Charcoal Arial Arial Black RPTHA MSPCA FPTH@ alisA alisA alisA alisA alisA alisA alisA alisA alisA alisA alisA